Posts tagged wellness
The perfect diet

Last week I was sitting in the school cafeteria with other moms, waiting for our kids to come out. The discussion around the table was about food, and in particularly different diets. The one mom was telling how a vegan diet has helped her son over come many allergies. She had a very strong stand for Veganism and told everyone off who is still eating animal products. Another mom felt strong that grains are the culprits and that her family is avoiding it

As I was sitting there I was all to eager to jump in and give my opinion on all these diets. Thinking that I have all the knowledge being a nutritionist and I know best. I didn’t say a word, instead I just  listened and observed. I don’t think most of the moms even know I am a nutritionist.

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The truth about milk and why it is bad for your health!

We don't consume diary and neither should you. In this article I will help you understand the negative affect that dairy has on our bodies and minds.

Dr. Mark Hyman, founder and medical director of the UltraWellness Center says:

“Milk is the most nutritious food....if you are a calf.”

Last time I checked, none of my family members were calves. So why don't we drink milk or consume large amounts of diary? Strange as it may seem, we have a house on a cow farm. We enjoy watching how the cows roam freely and that is how far our love for diary goes.

It wasn’t always the case. Although I never gave my kids much cows milk to drink, they still had yogurt and butter on occasion. They have never been cheese lovers so that wasn't a problem for us.

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